Upload / Download Options

CLIPPING PATH ONE has many options to send/upload and received/download your files. Choose one of the easy systems that you like:

1. Using our web uploading / downloading  system:

You can easily upload your images via our web uploader. There is no need for you to think of any third-party application, just upload your file folder after zipping/compress. After finishing your job we will send a link to download the file.

2. Using our FTP System:

When you have regular jobs and a large number of files then we request you to use our FTP system for an easy and faster uploading and downloading process. Just send an FTP request, we provide access immediately for you.

3. Using your own FTP System :

If you feel free to use your own FTP system to transmit/s the files then you are most welcome. Just upload your files to your server and provide the login details we will download them from there and upload the files to your server when those are finished.

4. Using a third-party system:

You can use many of the third-party systems: Filemail.com, Dropbox, YouSendIt, SendThisFile, etc. After finishing the job we will send a link to download the file via our dedicated server.

5. Send Hard Drive, CD, or DVD:

If you think its burden to send large volume of files via internet and more time consuming then feel free to contact us, we have UK and USA supporting office, just copy your files onto Hard Drive, CD or DVD and send them by post to your nearest office. Note: Please discuss with us before sending Hard Drive, CD, or DVD.

If you feel free to use other systems then please contact us before sending the files. We always appreciate your own selected way to transmit/s the files.

our working processin 3 steps

Clipping Path One always tries to save your valuable time. You just submit a Free Trial to verify the quality work and get an idea of how it works! Simply erase all hazards and start using Clipping Path One services.

Upload Your Images

Fast and Secure File Transfer via FTP, Dropbox, Wetransfer, or alternatives. We can handle any file types and sizes (RAW, CR2, NEF, TIFF, PSD, JPEG, PNG, etc.)

image editing photoshop tools path and brush

Professional Editing

Without Quality Consideration, All Professional Designers Work on your Images as per instructions. Every Time Deliver Satisfaction Guaranty Perfect Images.

On-Time Delivery

Time is money, so we value your time. We deliver all jobs with triple check quality control within the timeframe. Operating production 24/7 with 3 shifts.